Geothermal installations and solutions for Lawton OK
Temperature throughout the year varies no matter what climate you live in. Temperature below ground (regardless of climate or season) stays fairly consistent all year round in Lawton OK and surrounding areas. Air temperatures from day to night, or winter to summer vary, but the temperature just two or three feet below ground stays an average 55°-70°F all year-round no matter what the climate where you live.
The ground below is able to maintain a consistent temperature because it absorbs almost half of the sun’s heat as it hits the surface. Geothermal systems are able to tap into this free energy with a series of pipes running under the ground called an earth loop. We can use this technology to provide your home or office an infinite and affordable energy source for heating, air conditioning, and hot water.
Heating & Cooling Using Geothermal Technology in Lawton OK
Whether outdoor temps rise or fall, a Geothermal Heat Pump system absorbs energy from an underground reservoir, concentrates it, and replaces it with heat or cold energy in your home.
Save money on Geothermal Heating and Cooling systems near Lawton OK
At Powers Heating and Air, we have perfected this technique and are able to apply it to your particular situation. We will evaluate your home, and what needs to be done to install a Geothermal system for you to take advantage of this new technology.
Contact us today for your new Geothermal System to help heat and cool your home.